
Need Hope?

At Grace, we share hope as we proclaim that all people can and should live eternally. We want everyone to enjoy abundant, eternal life both now and forever and this is possible only through Jesus Christ.

You see, God sent his only Son Jesus to earth to pay the incredible price for sinners. We are all sinners and as a result we deserve a just punishment from God in hell (Romans 6:23). But God loved us so deeply that he sent his Son to take the punishment by dying in the sinners place on the cross (Romans 5:8). Jesus then defeated death forever by rising again after three days (1 Corinthians 15). If a person will turn from their sins and believe what Jesus has done for them their sins will be forgiven and they will enjoy God’s eternal life (John 3:16).

Also, we want those who have believed on Jesus as their Savior to live FOR eternity. We want them to live with eternal hope, bear eternal fruit, and experience eternal joy until the day they meet Jesus in heaven (Colossians 3:1-4).
If you have questions or would like to learn more about this hope from God’s Word, please consider visiting one of our services. Or, feel free to call one of our pastors with a question.

What is the Gospel? Watch this video and learn.
